Monday, March 4, 2013


Vision Board: Travel Intuition
Nicole                                                 Brittney
This is going to be my intro piece, letting you know what we are about and what we are interested. First of all, my name is Brittney, and my friend Nicole and I are very interested in traveling and seeing the world. It takes a lot to travel, we can't all travel and see the world as we would like, so our goal is to help you out by some tips, tricks and advice for you. We always welcome any information and would love to hear what you think, and if you have some information on the places we share, we would love that as well!. I think the places I am most interested in seeing are in Europe, but there is fascination with places all over the world, and we hope to bring some of those super cool places for you to see. If you are planning a trip, feel free to ask for advice or our wish lists for those places. I am going to do a short version of my bucket list soon... my top ten places I want to see, so I hope you will all come along with us on this journey.  I have more coming up soon and I look forward to your comments.
- B



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